If your entry or patio door is made from wood, both the door and the door frame require regular maintenance including painting every three to five years. Wood doors expand and contract with seasonal changes in temperature and humidity, resulting in gaps and drafts and leading to higher energy costs.
When you install a door made from fiberglass, steel or vinyl, you don’t experience these issues. Your door and door frame won’t warp, and you will experience little to no expansion or contraction – making the door more energy efficient. And fiberglass, steel and vinyl doors require no maintenance.
No matter what material they’re made from, builder grade doors tend to be much more susceptible to the effects of the elements. Over time, you’ll see the effects from the sun’s UV rays, fading, cracking and eroding the door and door frame. These lower quality doors are also less energy efficient than higher-quality doors made of fiberglass, steel or vinyl.
Call Thompson Creek today for a no-obligation quote at 888-696-7105.