Summer Roof Tips

Summer Roof Tips

Although most roof damage happens in the winter due to ice dams, it’s important to check, repair and maintain your roof in the summer. Heavy rain, exposure to the sun and other factors can damage your roof in the summertime. These summer roof tips can help you avoid costly problems and ensure that your roof stays in tip-top shape year-round.

Inspect Your Roof Regularly

Summer is one of the easiest times of the year to inspect your roof, as you don’t have to worry about dealing with snow or ice. Knowing what to look for is vital, so if you don’t feel confident doing it yourself, hire a professional to take a look and give you some more roofing tips for the summer.

If you decide to inspect the roof yourself, make sure you do it safely. Wear shoes with soles that grip well and protective gear. Don’t go up on your roof alone — have someone there to hold the ladder and assist you in case you fall.

Use a strong, steady ladder — climbing to great heights on a wobbly ladder is a recipe for disaster. Take it slow and be aware of where you step. Summer roof tips for inspection don’t just benefit your roof; they also protect you from getting hurt.

4 Things to Check When You’re On Your Roof

1. Take a look at the eaves.

There are several things that you should look for once you’re up on the roof. First, check beneath the eaves for any debris that might have settled there. Remove leaves, sludge or any other muck you find.

Close up any open areas in your eaves to prevent rodents and birds from nesting there. All kinds of critters can cause damage if they burrow or chew on the soffit or eaves. When it comes to checking the eaves, wear heavy gloves. These areas are popular with dangerous insects, such as wasps and yellowjackets.

2. Check flashing.

It’s critical to check your roof’s metal strips, also known as flashing. These strips are usually found around vents, skylights, chimneys and satellite dishes. High winds, hail and other inclement weather can cause them to loosen, leading to leaks.

3. Inspect shingles.

If any shingles are missing or damaged, replace them as soon as you can. Leaks can easily develop underneath broken, torn or dented shingles. While you’re at it, if you have a skylight, check for any cracks or chips to make sure it’s holding up well.

4. Look for fungus, mold or moss.

Fungus can be a sign that a leak has already formed. Look for clumps of moss, mold and other debris. Rodents love to nest in moss, which also promotes fungal growth. It’s vital to check for water entering into your attic; it causes structural damage and forms mold, which can lead to serious health issues.

Maintaining Your Roof


Cleaning Gutters

This is one of the most important roofing tips for summer, as cleaning and maintaining your gutters can save you a lot of expensive problems. It’s easy to neglect your gutters; however, just because water is flowing doesn’t mean that they’re in perfect shape.

Gutters can become unattached due to harsh weather and rusty, loose bolts. When water runs directly down the outside of your house, it can create cracks that lead to leakage and flooding. Check the bolts on your gutters and tighten or replace them as necessary.

Get all the gunk out of roof drains and downspouts and remove any leaves, sticks and other debris. A good way to check for leaks and make sure they’re squeaky clean is to run the hose through the gutter system.

If your gutters are leaky and need serious repair, call a professional. Spending a few dollars to get the job done right is worth it in the long run.

Trimming Tree Branches

Having lots of shade to shield your home from the sun is lovely, but large tree limbs and branches can seriously damage your roof. Remove any branches that hang over your roof, and check them periodically for growth.

Need Help with Roof Maintenance? Contact Us Today

Need help with roof maintenance? Our experienced professionals at Thompson Creek Window can help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation for a roof replacement estimate.