Buyer’s Protection Guarantee

Thompson Creek Buyer Protection Guarantee

We are so sure that your Thompson Creek products offer you the greatest value for your money that…

  1. Thompson Creek guarantees that every consumer will receive the same applicable discounts and rebates on the same scope of work on the same day.
  2. If within 30 days of the date you enter into your contract with Thompson Creek, you find a comparable product and installation service with all of the Thompson Creek features (listed in our feature and benefits chart provided to you) for a lower price, we will refund the difference plus pay you an additional $25.00 for your trouble.
  3. If, within 30 days of the installation date of your Thompson Creek products, you are not completely satisfied with the quality of the product and/or installation, Thompson Creek will first work to resolve your problem, but if not resolved, Thompson Creek will allow you to return your Thompson Creek products for a refund.

Looking for information on how to obtain warranty service? Visit no-hassle-warranty-overview for a quick guide.