What to Do if You’re Locked Out of Your House

What to Do if You’re Locked Out of Your House

Few things are as frustrating as being locked out of your house. While it can be tempting to break a window to get back inside, that’s one of the worst things you could do. Here are some handy tips to follow when you’re wondering how to get back into my locked house:  

Don’t Panic 

Start by taking a deep breath and assessing the situation. Chances are good that being locked out of the house is a huge inconvenience, but it’s not likely to be a crisis.  

If there really is an emergency, life-threatening situation that requires immediate attention inside your home, call 911 for help. For example, if a very young child or medically-fragile adult is locked inside, you might not have time to wait for a locksmith. Your local firefighters have the tools and skills it takes to quickly and safely enter your home.  

In all other cases, you should assess all of your options for how to get back into your locked house.  

The Dos and Don’ts When Locked Out of the House 

The good news is that getting back into your home might not be as difficult as you might think. Here’s what you can do:  


  • Check for an unlocked door or ground-floor window. Be sure to look at the windows in your garage, bathrooms and kitchens, as these are the windows that are most likely to be unlocked.  
  • See if you can gain entry to your home through a door or access hatch. In many older homes, you’ll often find access points to the basement that are unsecured.  
  • Call anyone who might have a spare key to your house, such as a neighbor, relative, dog walker or babysitter. You should also check with your kids, and yes, even your ex!  
  • If you know that your house keys (or a spare) is at your workplace, head back to work to pick up the spare key.  
  • If you’re unable to track down a spare key or find an unsecured window or door, contact a licensed mobile locksmith.  

Now that you know how to get back into your locked house the right way, here’s a few things you shouldn’t do: 


  • Break a window. Not only can breaking into your own home attract unwanted attention from neighbors and law enforcement, replacing a window is far more expensive than calling a locksmith. 
  • Attempt to force a window or door open. Prying a window or door open can be dangerous for you, and it’s likely to do some major damage to your home. 
  • Try to re-enter your home by climbing onto the roof. The risk of a slip and fall injury is simply too high.  

Once You’re Back Inside 

If you managed to get back into your locked house through a window or door, it’s time to contact Thompson Creek about upgrading your home’s security. After all, if it was that simple for you to make your way inside after being locked out of the house, your home is an easy target for thieves.  

At Thompson Creek, we sell and install premium-quality energy efficient replacement windows and doors. Not only can our doors and windows make your home look better, but they can also make your home safer and more secure.  

Call us today for your free, no-obligation quote.